> 文章列表 > 用英文怎么说描述春节




春节,英文中有多种表达方式,包括:spring festival, ndunzing, the spring festival, chinese new year.

Spring festival是最常用也是最常见的表达方式,它直接翻译了“春节”的字面意思。而ndunzing则是spring festival在广东话中的发音,而且广东话是广东省普通话的方言,比较正宗;The spring festival则是加入了定冠词“the”的表达方式,比较正式;chinese new year则是“中国新年”的意思,全面概括了春节作为中国最重要的传统节日的地位。



  • 元旦(1月1日) NewYear\'sDay
  • 春节(农历一月一日) The Spring Festival
  • 元宵节(农历一月十五日) The Lantern Festival
  • 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) International Women\'s Day
  • 清明节(农历四月五日前后) Tomb-Sweeping Day
  • 端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival
  • 中秋节(农历八月十五日) Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 国庆节(10月1日) National Day


怎样用英语表示春节以及日期? - 懂得

春节的英文表达为Spring Festival。春节作为中国最重要的传统节日之一,吸引了无数国内外游客的关注。根据历法,春节日期不固定,但通常在农历一月或二月之间。春节期间,人们会进行丰富多样的庆祝活动,如舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮、拜年等,这些活动代表了中国人的喜庆和吉祥心情。






Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是英语中对中国传统节日春节的表达方式。这个词组用作名词,表示春节这个特定节日。需要注意的是,词组的首字母必须大写,并且通常在前面加上定冠词“the”。

春节作为中国最重要的传统节日之一,具有悠久的历史和丰富多样的庆祝活动。Spring Festival作为对春节的准确翻译,已经被广泛接受和使用。



The Origin of Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival, one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It has a history of over 4,000 years and is celebrated with various customs and activities.

According to legends, a mythical beast called Nian would come out to harm people and animals on the New Year\'s Eve. People learned that Nian was afraid of the color red and loud noises, so they started to decorate their homes with red paper cuttings, set off firecrackers, and wear red clothes during the festival. These customs have been passed down from generation to generation.

During the Spring Festival, families gather together for a reunion dinner, exchange gifts, and enjoy traditional food, such as dumplings and glutinous rice cakes. People also visit temples to pray for good fortune and pay respects to their ancestors.

In addition to traditional customs, the Spring Festival also incorporates elements of modern celebrations, such as dragon and lion dances, lantern festivals, and fireworks displays. These activities attract both Chinese and foreign tourists to experience the festive atmosphere.

Overall, the Chinese Spring Festival is not only a time for family reunion and traditional customs, but also a reflection of China\'s rich cultural heritage. It represents the hopes and blessings for a new year full of happiness and prosperity.


Spring Festival is our traditional Chinese festival. It falls on January 1st. Before that day comes, people are busy preparing for the festival. They clean their houses, go shopping for new clothes and decorations, and make delicious food.

During the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big feast. Dumplings, fish, and many other kinds of food are served. People eat a lot because they believe it will bring them good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

In the evening, people set off fireworks to celebrate. The sky is lit up with colorful lights and the sound of firecrackers fills the air. It\'s a very festive and exciting atmosphere.

During the Spring Festival holiday, people also visit relatives and friends to exchange gifts and give blessings. It\'s a time for people to show their love and care for each other.

In conclusion, Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration. It brings people together, strengthens family bonds, and allows everyone to start the new year with hope and happiness.



  • 元旦(1月1日) New Year\'s Day
  • 春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival
  • 元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival
  • 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) International Women\'s Day
  • 清明节(农历四月五日前后) Qingming Festival
  • 端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival
  • 中秋节(农历八月十五日) Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 国庆节(10月1日) National Day




  • 春节 Spring Festival
  • 农历 lunar calendar
  • 正月 lunar January
  • 除夕 New Year\'s Eve
  • 红包 red envelope
  • 团圆饭 reunion dinner
  • 拜年 pay New Year\'s visit
  • 祝福 blessing



Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar, which usually falls between January and February.

Spring Festival is a time of great joy and excitement for Chinese people. Weeks before the festival, homes are thoroughly cleaned and decorated with red paper cuttings and couplets. These decorations are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

Different regions in China have their own unique customs and traditions during the Spring Festival. However, some common practices include giving red envelopes with money to children, setting off firecrackers to scare away bad luck, and enjoying a festive meal with family.

One of the most iconic symbols of the Spring Festival is the dragon dance. A team of dancers holds up a long, colorful dragon made of fabric and bamboo poles, and dances through the streets to the beat of drums and cymbals. This lively performance is believed to bring good fortune and drive away evil spirits.

As the Spring Festival approaches, people also start preparing special food for the occasion. Dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cakes are traditional dishes that symbolize good luck, wealth, and prosperity.

Overall, Spring Festival is a time when Chinese people come together to celebrate, honor their ancestors, and welcome the new year with optimism and hope. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and spreading joy and blessings to others. It truly captures the essence of Chinese culture and traditions.